NOF & ISCD at “Clinical Osteoporosis 2017”

The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) are meeting together later this week.  This will be my 10th attendance at each group.  They are...

Adding VFA to DXA

I have let the regular posts to the blog lapse for quite some time, while working on other issues. I have been reviewing my first-time Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) patients.  My...

Diabetes + High BMD = Brittle Bone

Patients with poorly controlled Diabetes and high blood sugar levels often have bone with above average Bone Mineral Density (BMD).  This is good?  WRONG !! High blood sugars lead to...

Prevent and Treat ONJ with Forteo

Dentists and Oral Surgeons are sometimes wary of their patients being on ANY Osteoporosis Medications when they undergo tooth extractions or other dental proceedures.  One osteoporosis medication is different from...

“But Protein Makes Me Fat”

Protein is necessary for strong bone and muscle.  Two patients complained that they were gaining weight when they added enough Protein for good bone health to their diets. That was...

Any Fracture => Bone Health Evaluation

Any fracture, especially after age 50, in a woman or a man, requires a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  This was preached from the podium at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) meeting last...