Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

June 24, 2020 Leave your thoughts

You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture?  You just started menopause or male low “T”?  You are now on Medicare?  Are you concerned about your bone health?  If not, you should be.  At least concerned enough to check it out.

Don’t just get a DXA.  DXA alone misses 85% of Fracture Risk, especially in older individuals.  You should get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation to catch any problems early.  “Take Control Naturally” with enough calcium, Vitamin D, protein, and exercises every day.

What is a Complete Bone Health Evaluation?

DXA read by an ISCD Certified Clinical Densitometrist is a start.  ISCD certification assures proper reading.

Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) identifies vertebrae which have collapsed, up to 80% of which are not recognized.  (I missed mine.)

FRAX calculates Fracture Risk far more accurately than DXA and Bone Mineral Density alone.

Blood tests include CBC and CMP routinely done for annual check-ups.  We add monohydroxy Vitamin D, PTH, TSH and phosphorous.

History and physical examination focused on bone health and 20-30 minutes consultation solely about bone health, fracture prevention, osteoporosis prevention, or osteoporosis treatment.

A Complete Bone Health Evaluation allows many of our patients to Take Control Naturally with proper nutrition and exercise alone.

Jay Ginther, MD

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