Pharma Medical Liaison

November 14, 2014 Leave your thoughts

Our Amgen Medical Liaison met with us this week.  Her job is to supply information which has been published or presented at major meetings.  She meets only with practitioners (MD, NP in our case) and cannot market any medications.

This is good.  For the first time in 5 years, I missed ASBMR (American Society for Bone & Mineral Research).  She was able to show us several studies presented at that meeting that were most helpful.

NP Katie and I, like most practitioners, always approach scientific papers with a critical eye.  The studies answered several questions.  They also raised further questions.  Perhaps those answers will come next year.

Legislators pass rules and regs to keep medical practitioners away from information supplied by persons employed by Pharma.  They fail to understand the value of critcally evaluating new scientific data.  Detailed information about each available medication is needed if we are to find the best osteoporosis medication for each patient each time.

No single osteoporosis medication is right for everyone all the time.  Every osteoporosis medication is the best choice for someone at some time.  There are times when no medication is the best choice.

The more information Katie and I have about medications, the smarter we are when helping to choose what is best for each individual.  No one can go to all meetings or read all published studies.  A Pharma Medical Liaison helps gather relevant information.

YOU too can gather information before and after you visit your doc.  Use the left column to find blogs about topics that interest you.  You can Take Control.

Jay Ginther, MD

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