Orthopods and Osteoporosis

April 18, 2011 Leave your thoughts

Friday I presented at the Iowa Orthopaedic Society Spring Educational Meeting.  Most of the orthopedic surgeons present are interested in making sure their fragility fracture patients are treated for osteoporosis, but were unsure how to do that.

The CME credit presentation detailed how to cover the basics of formal osteoporosis evaluation.  In most cases the surgeon is not directly involved, but does start the process by telling patient and family that the bone was not good at surgery. 

Within an orthopedic practice the person doing the full work-up and treatment is a mid-level provider or a Family Medicine physician.  This model works very well.  I have helped get the process going in several practices.

Sharing knowledge among physicians is widespread in alll specialities and between specialities.  Taking time out of our practices to teach and to learn is a vital part of what we must do to keep up with new knowledge.  Putting together a 60 slide PowerPoint is very time consuming, but the result is worth it.

Many fields are changing rapidly.  Over 1/4 of what I learned 4 years ago when I started studying osteoporosis in detail is now out of date!

See other posts under “healthcare professionals” from AAOS, etc.

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