Fracture Prevention – Not Bone Mineral Density

The goal of Bone Health Evaluation and Treatment is Fracture Prevention!  DXA and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) are useful tools for evaluation.  But DXA and BMD are only one out of...

VFA Adds Acuracy to DXA Testing

Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) identifies many persons with Clinical Osteoporosis who are missed by DXA testing alone.  How many?  I reviewed my first 941 patients to have VFA with their...

VFA – An Additional Standard

The vertebrae (bones in the spine) can gradually crumble or suddenly crunch.  The resulting minor ache is often mistaken for arthritis or a pulled muscle.  Gradual crumbles are “morphometric” (detected by x-ray)...

DXA – The Old Standard

DXA has been the standard screening test for Osteoporosis in the USA for two decades.  DXA is easy to obtain and the computer print-out makes it look very simple to...

Men Too

“Men are from Mars”, so March is a good time to think about men, the overlooked minority in osteoporosis.  The American Journal of Men’s Health has published a study of...

What is Clinical Osteoporosis?

Increased Fracture Risk is Clinical Osteoporosis.  Clinical Osteoporosis is a diagnosis.  It is a chronic medical condition that you have for the rest of your life, like high blood pressure....

Bone Not “Good Enough” = Anabolic Forteo

Bone that has Fractured = Bone NOT Good Enough = Bone which requires the Anabolic, Forteo.  Any fracture, especially vertebral compression fracture, can mean that the bone is NOT Good...

Bone “Good Enough” for an Antiresorptive?

How do you know when an Antiresorptive medication is best?  First, the situation needs to be beyond the capability to Take Control Naturally with Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D3 alone....

Gummies For Grammies

Recently I had a patient whose spine had lost 10% of its Bone Mineral Density (BMD) since her last DXA.  She has lost height in the last year.  She has...

Interesting Medication Combinations from ASBMR

Studies of combinations of osteoporosis medications expanded at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012.  Previous meetings featured alternating the anabolic, Teriparatide (Forteo) with a Bisphosphonate Antiresorptive, usually...