Treat to Target #3 – FRAX

Our Target is NO NEW FRACTURES.  The original goal by DXA was a  T-score of -2.4 or better.  But age is a huge factor in actual fracture risk.  The fracture risk...

“But Protein Makes Me Fat”

Protein is necessary for strong bone and muscle.  Two patients complained that they were gaining weight when they added enough Protein for good bone health to their diets. That was...

“But, I Don’t Want To Get Fat”

“But, I don’t want to get fat” was the constant refrain of a patient who consistantly lost weight, lost muscle mass, and fractured again.  Despite urging bordering on harassment, from...

Increased Fracture Risk = Osteoporosis

Fracture Risk is the elephant in the room.  Fractures can keep you from doing what you want for weeks or months.  Fractures can put you in a Nursing Home, sometimes...

Mom Had Osteoporosis – Do I Have It Too?

If your Mom had Osteoporosis, you are also at risk for osteoporosis and fractures.  If a parent had a broken hip, you are at increased risk of fracture.  Choosing your...

Stress Fracture = Osteoporosis

A fragility fracture is a fracture which happens from minor trauma.  A stress fracture happens from repeated normal daily activities, like walking or going up or down stairs.  This is...

What might be Too Thin? and Why?

Speaking to groups about Osteoporosis is always interesting.  Different persons have different questions.   This week I spoke to a PEO chapter (a women-only “sorority”).  One of the members was very...