Do better than another shirt or tie for Fathers’ Day. Make sure your Dad stays Fracture Free! What? Men don’t have Osteoporosis or Fractures. But they do! 25% of all...
Fracture Prevention was the theme at NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) this year. This has always been their goal, but it has not been well communicated. Fractures are bad. Fractures are painful. ...
The Imaginarium (Children’s Science Museum) at the Grout Museum in Waterloo, IA is teaching bone health this summer. Good choices for bone health during growing years are the best way...
Orthopedic Surgeons treat fractures. Now Orthopods are joining the fight to Prevent Fractures. At the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) 2015 meeting, Orthopedic Surgeons were the most numerous specialty among docs...
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) saw major changes at last week’s annual meeting, ISO15. I will present them in detail over the next few blogs. First, the number of Orthopedic...
Cedar Valley Bone Health Institute of Iowa joins social media this week. We will be posting twice weekly. Look for us on your favorite platform: Like us on Facebook at: Cedar Valley...
What can you do for your mother? Mother’s Day is when you thank your mother for all that she did for you. Seriously? That is too much to accomplish in just one...
We recently saw yet another patient who longs for great bone health, but just cannot manage to eat dairy or take Calcium Supplements. This is a problem! While the basic collagen structure...
Every patient visit is teaching Bone Health. Proper nutrition with Calcium, Vitamin D3, Protein, Multiple Vitamins& Minerals. Balance, Exercises, and Fall Prevention. Not just the patient, but the whole family....
Several patients have called us in panic because their friends told them that HyperParathyroidism means Surgery. We reassured them that Surgery is almost never needed in HyperParathyroidism. But we do...