Stronger, More Agile, More Confident

Ann spends a week in Florida each winter with several friends and was stronger, more agile and more confident this year than last.  She stepped in and out of the hot-tub...

Birthday Disease

“Why did I Fracture?” and “Why do I have Osteoporosis?” are common questions I hear from older women and men.  They are taking Calcium and Vitamin D3, eating a diet...

How Hard Is It To Manage Bone Density?

Wrong Question!  What you should be managing is Fracture Risk.  If you only look at Bone Mineral Density (BMD), you miss the chance to decrease Fracture Risk in the overwhelming...

Sometimes We Need Medications

Patients who have already fractured may need osteoporosis medications.  Adding fractures to a low BMD or T-score on DXA makes the Clinical Osteoporosis more severe and increases Fracture Risk.  This...

Increased Fracture Risk = Osteoporosis

Fracture Risk is the elephant in the room.  Fractures can keep you from doing what you want for weeks or months.  Fractures can put you in a Nursing Home, sometimes...

Identify Fracture Risk – Prevent Fractures

Tomorrow I am at the 2014 National Osteoporosis Foundation meeting.  Actually the name “National Prevent Fractures Organization” would better explain our goals.  We don’t care about Osteoporosis as much as...

So, There Is Nothing You Can Do For Me

Recently a patient finished her half hour visit by saying, “so there is nothing you can do for me”.  We had discussed Low Bone Mineral Density (BMD) on her DXA;...

2 Fractures for Each Heart Attack

Friday is the Go Red For Women in Waterloo, sponsored by the American Heart Association.  Heart Disease is now recognized as a major health issue for women, as well as...