Vitamin D From The Sun

Today we are just over 100 days away from the next Natural Vitamin D3 from the sun in Iowa. Today, Sunday the 21st of December is the Winter Solstace of 2014 in...

Brie for Breakfast

Welcome to the European Breakfast Buffet.  Calcium rich foods are featured in cheeses and yogurts.  At least 3 choices of cheeses on a rotation from day to day.  Yogurt comes...

Vitamin D & MS in Sweden

Recently, I cited a study from the UK, which showed a probable link between mothers with low Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) years later in their children. ...

Recommended Vitamin D Levels at ASBMR 2012

25-hydroxy Vitamin D level recommendations for patients were plentiful at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012 meeting.  Many opinions.  Little agreement.  Research presented was usually observational....