NOF Tip for 20 May – Vertebral Fractures

Vertebral Compression Fractures are often not recognized as anything more than a seriously pulled muscle.  I personally made that mistake 30+ years ago.  Only when I was tested on our...

Treat to Target #5 – VFA

Treat to Target of NO NEW FRACTURES.  How do we find that target?  DXA >-2.5 is a start.  Fragility fractures increase new fracture risk.  FRAX adds many more risk factors to the...

Happy Mother’s Day

What can you do for your mother?  Mother’s Day is when you thank your mother for all that she did for you.  Seriously?  That is too much to accomplish in just one...

Fractures Get No Respect

Fractures get no respect.  20% of women and over 30% of men over 65 die within 6 months of a Hip Fracture.  But nobody is worried about hip fractures! Hip...

Birthday Disease

“Why did I Fracture?” and “Why do I have Osteoporosis?” are common questions I hear from older women and men.  They are taking Calcium and Vitamin D3, eating a diet...

Increased Fracture Risk = Osteoporosis

Fracture Risk is the elephant in the room.  Fractures can keep you from doing what you want for weeks or months.  Fractures can put you in a Nursing Home, sometimes...

Don’t Be a Humpback – Prevent Humpback

Last time we discussed the disabilities caused by “humpback” kyphosis. A major factor in “humpback” is weak back muscles.  Upright posture decreases the strain of gravity pulling you forward.  Strong...