Vertebral Compression Fractures are often not recognized as anything more than a seriously pulled muscle. I personally made that mistake 30+ years ago. Only when I was tested on our...
May 20, 2020
June 19, 2017
Treat to Target has been standard for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes for decades. These are chronic diseases, more common as we get older, that we can control...
November 23, 2014
Wrong Question! What you should be managing is Fracture Risk. If you only look at Bone Mineral Density (BMD), you miss the chance to decrease Fracture Risk in the overwhelming...
November 30, 2012
How do you know when an Antiresorptive medication is best? First, the situation needs to be beyond the capability to Take Control Naturally with Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D3 alone....
March 7, 2012
What determines “osteoporosis”? Is it DXA and BMD? Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine? What is the importance of Kyphosis? When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture? These are all...