I Want to Treat My Bone Health Entirely Naturally ….

April 10, 2017 Leave your thoughts

“I want to treat my bone health entirely naturally – without any “artificial” medications.”  That might be possible if you are among the less than half of all women not destined to suffer one or more fragility fractures without medication.  Your odds are certainly better if you take all the measures outlined over the past weeks.

Years ago Osteoporosis was rarely a problem.  100 years ago most people died before age 65.  200 years ago most people died before age 40.  We live too long to avoid the natural decline in bone health.  (I would rather live long and deal with medications).

When I was in medical school (45 years ago) we lived entirely naturally in terms of bone health.  Most woman, and some men, became stooped forward with “humpback” kyphosis until they fell, broke a hip and either died or were shipped to a nursing home forever.  There was nothing we could do to prevent that.

Now we know a bunch of natural things we can do to postpone that scenario, but we cannot prevent it entirely in many people without adding medication.  Adding medication may be “cheating”, but I would rather stay active and enjoy life.

Take Control Naturally as long as you can, but evaluate your bone health periodically and add osteoporosis medication when your fracture risk rises.

Jay Ginther, MD

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