NOF Tip for 27 May – Choose or Be a Health Care Proxy

May 27, 2020 Leave your thoughts

All of us will die some day.  Many of us will not be able to fully express our wishes in our last days.  How do we want to spend our last days?  How do our parents want to spend their last days if they cannot speak for themselves at that time?

NOF has a brief video about deciding ahead of time who will speak for you if you cannot.  Go to .

Much better is the next video – a TED talk by Ellen Goodman at about The Conversation Project.  Talk about end of life care.  What YOU want to happen.

Given our medical backgrounds, my wife and I clearly know what we do not want and have made it clear to our kids.  Most people never have The Conversation because it is too early – until it is too late. 

Take control.  Decide how you would like to spend your last days.  Choose a health care proxy.  Talk about it.  Do the necessary paperwork.

Jay Ginther, MD

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