“Treat to Target” and “Use VFA” in 2017

Clinical Osteoporosis 2017, NOF and ISCD joint meeting had a different emphasis this year.  Fracture Risk, rather than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is now the key metric.  Several speakers emphasizd...

Forteo Treats Atypical Fractures of the Femur

Patients, Primary Care Docs, and Orthopedic Surgeons all worry about bone surgery while on Osteoporosis Medications.  They also worry about Atypical Fractures of the Femur (AFF).  There is one medication...

Any Fracture => Bone Health Evaluation

Any fracture, especially after age 50, in a woman or a man, requires a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  This was preached from the podium at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) meeting last...

National Fracture Prevention Foundation

Fracture Prevention was the theme at NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) this year.  This has always been their goal, but it has not been well communicated. Fractures are bad.  Fractures are painful. ...

Spring – The Most Dangerous Season

Spring is here.  The birds are singing.  Soon flowers will be blooming.  All the world is coming to life.  And more hips will be breaking. 32% of all hip fractures...

Fall Prevention = Fracture Prevention

Falls are the immediate cause of most “wrist”, shoulder and ankle fractures, and of many Hip fractures.  Two or more falls in a year indicate a need for more than...

Fractures Get No Respect

Fractures get no respect.  20% of women and over 30% of men over 65 die within 6 months of a Hip Fracture.  But nobody is worried about hip fractures! Hip...

Operate On Your Hip Fracture Or Not – Decide NOW

Usually we operate on a Hip Fracture.  We do that in order to: preserve Independent Living; or preserve independent ambulation in Assisted Living; or preserve assisted ambulation in a Care Facility;...

You Don’t Have To Fall To Break A Hip

Sometimes a person breaks a hip first, then they fall.  This happens a lot more often than we realize.  When the break is just below the ball of the hip,...