Treat to Target has been standard for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes for decades. These are chronic diseases, more common as we get older, that we can control...
University of Wisconsin hosts biennially the Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care Symposium. This year the Wisconsin Bone Club followed the symposium. Felicia Cosman, MD from Helen Hayes in New York was the guest...
The second meeting of the Iowa Bone Club was a great success. Hats off to Dudley Phipps, PA, of Iowa Ortho for organizing a great meeting, and to his staff for...
Friday 19 May 2017, 0900 to 1400 is the Spring 2017 Iowa Bone Club Meeting. Holiday Inn West Glenn, 6075 Mills Civic Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA. Information about bone...
Clinical Osteoporosis 2017, NOF and ISCD joint meeting had a different emphasis this year. Fracture Risk, rather than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is now the key metric. Several speakers emphasizd...
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) are meeting together later this week. This will be my 10th attendance at each group. They are...
Orthopedic Surgeons treat fractures. Now Orthopods are joining the fight to Prevent Fractures. At the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) 2015 meeting, Orthopedic Surgeons were the most numerous specialty among docs...
Every patient visit is teaching Bone Health. Proper nutrition with Calcium, Vitamin D3, Protein, Multiple Vitamins& Minerals. Balance, Exercises, and Fall Prevention. Not just the patient, but the whole family....
Usually we operate on a Hip Fracture. We do that in order to: preserve Independent Living; or preserve independent ambulation in Assisted Living; or preserve assisted ambulation in a Care Facility;...
Wrong Question! What you should be managing is Fracture Risk. If you only look at Bone Mineral Density (BMD), you miss the chance to decrease Fracture Risk in the overwhelming...