Modern Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

August 7, 2014 Leave your thoughts

Modern Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is safe in most women through their 60’s.  20 years ago, when Progesterone was included in the formulation, HRT was associated with heart problems.  Estrogen alone in modern HRT avoids this issue, at least until age 70.  Recent studies have shown that modern HRT actually decreases heart disease deaths in women in their 50’s.

Modern HRT is most commonly used to treat menopausal symptoms.  However, human estrogen is what naturally preserves bone in a pre-menopausal woman.  Restoring human estrogen will also preserve bone in a post-menopausal women.  You can postpone Osteoclasts Gone Wild eating away your bones!

Modern HRT is increasingly recommended as a routine treatment for the first 10 years or so of menopause.  You can prevent Postmenopausal Osteoporosis as long as you are on HRT.  Stopping HRT puts you at increased fracture risk from increased bone loss, just like during menopause.  When you stop HRT you should switch to another Antiresorptive medication.

A slight increase in heart problems has been found in women continuing on HRT after age 70.  For this reason most women are advised to stop HRT by age 70.

Blood clots and breast cancer are possible issues in some women.  More about those next time.

Check out your options and Take Control of your bone health.

Jay Ginther, MD

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