Choose Your Parents Carefully

January 6, 2015 Leave your thoughts

My father was born 4 January and my mother 5 January.  I pause to remember them at this time each year.

Your “choice of parents” is the key to many medical conditions.  You inherit many tendencies for better or worse.  I can trace my medical problems to parents and grandparents.  I can also trace some of my best traits to those same parents and grandparents.

Inherited tendencies are a big deal.  However, you have to play the hand you are dealt.  How you play that hand can mitigate or exacerbate many problems.

Get a check-up to identify issues while they can still be modified.  Specifically mention medical problems your parents, and other relatives have had.  Be proactive.  In the case of bone health, get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.

Take Control of your future by evaluation and preventive action.

Jay Ginther, MD

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