Wellness Fair

April 1, 2011 Leave your thoughts

This week we participated in an all-day Wellness Conference and Health Fair.  Many different types of practitioners were involved.  Those individuals who attended were interested in taking a pro-active role in their personal health and wellness.

I taught one break-out session sharing my knowledge of basic bone health measures and further steps to take as needed.  Discussion was good.  Questions always draw out further thought.

At breakfast I spoke with individuals who have been working on a county-wide wellness program in north Iowa.  They were upbeat about the effort despite slow progress so far in visable results as assessed by the county health department.  Changing peoples attitudes and lifelong habits takes time.

My staff and I wandered through the booths checking out other approaches to other aspects of “comprehensive wellness”.  All participants shared the common goal of awareness.   We all enjoyed sharing with participants and attendees. 

Those individuals who attended were interested in taking a pro-active role in their personal health and wellness.  That is key.  You need to take ownership of your own lifestyle and wellness.

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