Spring – The Most Dangerous Season

Spring is here.  The birds are singing.  Soon flowers will be blooming.  All the world is coming to life.  And more hips will be breaking. 32% of all hip fractures...

Not Just DXA – Fracture Risk !!

DXA is very good at determining Bone Mineral Density (BMD), provided you look at the images and over-read the computer.  DXA alone is less good at predicting Fracture Risk.  But,...

How Hard Is It To Manage Bone Density?

Wrong Question!  What you should be managing is Fracture Risk.  If you only look at Bone Mineral Density (BMD), you miss the chance to decrease Fracture Risk in the overwhelming...

Bone Mineral Density = Calcium in Bone

I recently saw a patient who has not improved her Bone Mineral Density despite 2 years of Forteo followed by 3 years of Reclast.  The good news is that she stopped...

Grandsons and Black Bears

Last week we were on vacation near Ely, MN on the edge of Boundary Waters Canoe Area with our 2 year old grandson.  His favorite day trip was to the...

Welcome to ISCD 2012

What determines “osteoporosis”?  Is it DXA and BMD?  Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine?  What is the importance of Kyphosis?  When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture?  These are all...

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

“When should I get another DXA?”  That was the question from a 70+ year old at the PEO group I talked to recently.  That is the wrong question! Don’t get...

True, but Irrelevant for Most Women

The New England Journal of Medicine has just published a study of DXA results.  The researchers have interpreted the results as a reason to stop testing women with DXA.  The...

“Drug Holiday”

“Drug Holiday”.  How does that work?  After 5 or more years on Bisphosphonate medication, there is often enough accumulated medication to maintain Bone Mineral Density for 2 or 3 or more years without adding...