You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture? You just started menopause or male low “T”? You are now on Medicare? Are you concerned about your bone health? If not,...
BMD (Bone Mineral Density) = Calcium in Bone. If you want strong bone you must get enough calcium. Calcium in food is best. Take control naturally with calcium in foods....
Why do some patients, who are already on good osteoporosis preventing or treating medications, still have a falling Bone Mineral Density? Are the medications not working? Not as well as...
National Bone Health treatment goals are changing for those patients with high fracture risk. Simply preserving bones already at a too high fracture risk never made much sense to this...
Our goal is NO NEW FRACTURES. Cancellous (spongy, like the ends of the drumstick) bone should be a strong latticework of struts called trabeculi. Clinical Osteoporosis, an increased fracture risk,...
Treat to Target means aiming for NO NEW FRACTURES. As discussed last time, the original target was to maintain Bone Mineral Density (BMD) at the level first tested. 25 years...
Treat to Target has been standard for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes for decades. These are chronic diseases, more common as we get older, that we can control...
Clinical Osteoporosis 2017, NOF and ISCD joint meeting had a different emphasis this year. Fracture Risk, rather than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is now the key metric. Several speakers emphasizd...
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) are meeting together later this week. This will be my 10th attendance at each group. They are...
Calcium is responsible for the stiffness and strength in bones. Calcium is what we measure when we measure Bone Mineral Density. Without sufficient calcium intake you cannot have strong bones. Most...