Beware of GIOP

GIOP is Glucocorticoid Induced OsteoPorosis.  Cortisone, Prednisone, and many Inhalers for Asthma or COPD are glucocorticoids.  Therefore, Glucocorticoid Induced OsteoPorosis is a particularly aggressive form of osteoporosis that affects all ages,...

Interesting Medication Combinations from ASBMR

Studies of combinations of osteoporosis medications expanded at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012.  Previous meetings featured alternating the anabolic, Teriparatide (Forteo) with a Bisphosphonate Antiresorptive, usually...

Pictures Tell How Osteoporosis Medications Work

Dr David Dempster presented spectacular pictures to the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).  They show clearly the different actions of the anabolic, Teriparatide...

Want to Avoid Meds? Quit Smoking!

My patient desperately wants to avoid taking medication for her worsening osteoporosis.  She considers medications to be unnatural.  She has already maintained her 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL...

Osteoclasts Gone Wild Revisited

Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone.  Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.  Women lose Estrogen suddenly at Menopause.  Men lose Testosterone...


Fosamax (Alendronate) was the first widely used pill for Osteoporosis in this country.  It is taken weekly on an empty stomach followed by at least 8 ounces of water.  No...


Forteo (Teriparatide) is the only Anabolic osteoporosis medication in the USA.  It acts by directly stimulating the Osteoblast cells that make new bone matrix.  It is the only type of osteoporosis...

Anabolic Therapy for Osteoporosis

Anabolic medications directly stimulate the OsteoBlast cells that build new bone matrix.  Anabolics work by increasing new bone formation faster than the OsteoClast cells can eat away the old bone. ...

Prolia – A Different Antiresorptive

Prolia (Denosumab) is the newest type of Antiresorptive medication for Osteoporosis.  Like the other Antiresorptive medications, Prolia slows down the cells that eat away bone, but in a different way. ...