New Year 2015

Today is the first day of 2015. Make 2015 the year you do some preventive healthcare.  Check your risk for conditions associated with middle age: diabetes, hypertension, and declining bone...

Birthday Disease

“Why did I Fracture?” and “Why do I have Osteoporosis?” are common questions I hear from older women and men.  They are taking Calcium and Vitamin D3, eating a diet...


Two weeks after Turkey Coma at Thanksgiving dinner, we think we get plenty of protein.  We do occasionally.  Most of us do not get enough protein on a daily basis....

“But, I Don’t Want To Get Fat”

“But, I don’t want to get fat” was the constant refrain of a patient who consistantly lost weight, lost muscle mass, and fractured again.  Despite urging bordering on harassment, from...

Calcium in Foods 2014

We can get ALL of our Calcium from foods.  We need 1200-1500 mg daily, especially if we have not been getting that much for years.  Most of us have not...

Brie for Breakfast

Welcome to the European Breakfast Buffet.  Calcium rich foods are featured in cheeses and yogurts.  At least 3 choices of cheeses on a rotation from day to day.  Yogurt comes...

Running Sports = Better Bones For Life

Running your butt off several days weekly, as a child, is good for your bones.  And the benefits last a lifetime! We already knew that vigorous running sports can produce...

Control What You Can

Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk.  You may agree with that.  If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control...