Strontium Increases Bone Mineral Density, But…

The secret ingredient which incrreases Bone Mineral Density in some “Natural Supplements” sold in the US is Strontium Citrate.  Strontium has more than twice the atomic weight of Calcium.  Bone...

Welcome to ISCD 2012

What determines “osteoporosis”?  Is it DXA and BMD?  Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine?  What is the importance of Kyphosis?  When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture?  These are all...

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

“When should I get another DXA?”  That was the question from a 70+ year old at the PEO group I talked to recently.  That is the wrong question! Don’t get...

Most Vertebral (Spine) Fractures are “Silent”

The researchers for the New England Journal of Medicine article about DXA counted only those few vertebral (spine) fractures that were recognized as fractures.  Most vertebral fractures, especially in older women...

True, but Irrelevant for Most Women

The New England Journal of Medicine has just published a study of DXA results.  The researchers have interpreted the results as a reason to stop testing women with DXA.  The...

Why Do I Keep Breaking?

A reader asked “Why do I keep breaking?” If you do have more than one Fragility Fracture, you certainly need to find out why!  Every Fracture that you have increases...

Smoking Increases Fracture Risk

You know that Smoking can cause Lung Cancer, Asthma, Emphysema, and COPD. Smoking also increases the Risk of Fractures, the Risk of Fractures Not Healing, and the Risk of Osteoporosis. ...

Happy Holidays

I will be visiting family.  I hope you will be too. Remember that increased fracture risk and osteoporosis often run in families.  Encourage your family members to read the Take Control Naturally series...

Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty = Osteoporosis

If you have a Vertebroplasty or a Kyphoplasty, you have Osteoporosis! Both procedures are done for painful, fresh Vertebral Compression Fractures (crunches of the spine).  If your spine goes crunch...