What’s That For?

Patients often ask “What’s that for?” when I order blood tests.  They understand that DXA is for Bone Mineral Density (BMD).  They understand Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) when I show...

Strontium Should Increase BMD, But…

Based on advertizements and extensive research on the internet, a patient recently added Strontium Citrate to her treatment for falling Bone Mineral Density (BMD).  What she read claimed that Strontium...

Frequent Fallers Benefit from Vit D3

Falls cause Fractures.  Preventing falls, or decreasing the number of falls, decreases fractures.  How can you do that?  Twice daily physical therapy exercises help improve muscle strength, balance and endurance....

Mom Had Osteoporosis – Do I Have It Too?

If your Mom had Osteoporosis, you are also at risk for osteoporosis and fractures.  If a parent had a broken hip, you are at increased risk of fracture.  Choosing your...

I Can’t Have Osteoporosis – I Feel Fine

This week a patient told me “I can’t have Osteoporosis, because I feel fine!”  Osteoporosis is often silent. Osteoporosis can sneak up on you.  You do not feel a thing...

NOF 2013

The National Osteoporosis Foundation presented “Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis 13” last Thursday through Sunday.  Over 400 attendees braved flooded streets and major delays at O’Hare.  It was well worth it....

Fracture Prevention – Not Bone Mineral Density

The goal of Bone Health Evaluation and Treatment is Fracture Prevention!  DXA and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) are useful tools for evaluation.  But DXA and BMD are only one out of...

VFA Adds Acuracy to DXA Testing

Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) identifies many persons with Clinical Osteoporosis who are missed by DXA testing alone.  How many?  I reviewed my first 941 patients to have VFA with their...

VFA – An Additional Standard

The vertebrae (bones in the spine) can gradually crumble or suddenly crunch.  The resulting minor ache is often mistaken for arthritis or a pulled muscle.  Gradual crumbles are “morphometric” (detected by x-ray)...