Frequent Fallers Benefit from Vit D3

May 18, 2013 Leave your thoughts

Falls cause Fractures.  Preventing falls, or decreasing the number of falls, decreases fractures.  How can you do that?  Twice daily physical therapy exercises help improve muscle strength, balance and endurance.  Eliminating throw rugs and steps helps.

The big news at National Osteoporosis Foundation last month was about fall prevention with Vitamin D3.  Lots of new information.

Recent studies have found that vitamin D3 helps if at least 800 units daily are used.  Individuals with decreased strength, difficulty rising from a chair, poor balance, or slow walking speed, benefit from Vit D3.

Frequent Fallers benefit the most.  Fracture rates in persons with Vit D levels of 40ng/ml fall much less often and have only half as many hip fractures as persons with Vit D levels below 20ng/ml.  This is true for persons over 60 whether in a nursing home or living in their own home.

Do you know a Frequent Faller?   Vitamin D3 can help.  My patients average 2-3000 units daily to cut falls and fracture risk.

Jay Ginther, MD

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