It’s the Fractures, Stup..

Dr Neil Binkley took this line from politics in his address to the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) joint meeting yesterday.  Dr Binkley is known...

Just DXA is Not Enough

DXA identifies only 15% of persons with increased Fracture Risk.  Are you in the other 85%?  To find out, you should get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  And that is……....

VFA Adds Acuracy to DXA Testing

Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) identifies many persons with Clinical Osteoporosis who are missed by DXA testing alone.  How many?  I reviewed my first 941 patients to have VFA with their...

DXA – The Old Standard

DXA has been the standard screening test for Osteoporosis in the USA for two decades.  DXA is easy to obtain and the computer print-out makes it look very simple to...

Better Patient Education

How can we make Bone Health patient education more effective?  An entire office visit only about bone health / osteoporosis prevention and treatment, is an effective start.  This I have done...

Teaching Tomorrow’s Healthcare Providers

Today I taught the Nurse Practitioner class at Allen College.  Their Bone Health – Osteoporosis section included 3 hours of classroom lecture and discussion.  We also spent an hour teaching...

Welcome to ISCD 2012

What determines “osteoporosis”?  Is it DXA and BMD?  Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine?  What is the importance of Kyphosis?  When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture?  These are all...

ISCD Certification = Quality DXA + VFA

Reading DXA looks easy.  The computer reads it for you.  All you have to do is sign the reported t-score.  WRONG!! Computer generated DXA readings are often incorrect.  Accurate DXA requires human...

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

“When should I get another DXA?”  That was the question from a 70+ year old at the PEO group I talked to recently.  That is the wrong question! Don’t get...

Take Control Naturally – Know Where You Stand

You want to take control of your own bone health destiny to avoid osteoporosis.  You want to do it “naturally” without modern pharmaceuticals.  This is often possible.  But how do...