Any Fracture => Bone Health Evaluation

Any fracture, especially after age 50, in a woman or a man, requires a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  This was preached from the podium at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) meeting last...

Denosumab – Prolia – OPG Analog

Denosumab (Prolia) mimics the natural process that keeps OsteoClasts (the cells that gobble up bone) under control before menopause.  OsteoCytes release Osteoprotegrin (OPG) when Estrogen (or Testosterone) is on board....

A Delicate Balance

A delicate balance between bone formation and bone resorption is needed for Healthy Bone.  This balance is naturally present until menopause in a woman or “Low T” in a man....

Natural Risk

Several patients in the last month have decided not to take the “unnatural” risk of taking medication for their Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  They have been scared by the media emphasis on...

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Saves Lives

Estrogen alone as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is safe.  Estrogen actually saves lives compared to no estrogen replacement after hysterectomy in women between 50 and 59.  13 women’s lives were...

A Mother’s Sacrifice

Mothers sacrifice many things for their children.  But did you know that they sacrifice their bones?  Children come first, even at the xpense of the mother’s bone health. Before childbirth,...

Estrogen is Good for Bones

Human Estrogen is the natural means of preventing bone loss before menopause in women.  The huge drop in estrogen levels during menopause leads to increased bone loss during and after...

True, but Irrelevant for Most Women

The New England Journal of Medicine has just published a study of DXA results.  The researchers have interpreted the results as a reason to stop testing women with DXA.  The...