HyperParaThyroidism Part 3

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism is quite common.  I see a new case nearly every week.  Secondary Hyperparathyroidism happens when the parathyroid glands are doing their job. If you do not have enough...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 2

Primary Hyperparathyroidism is much less common but much easier to explain.  We will deal with that first. Primary Hyperparathyroidism is usually due to an enlargement of one of the 4...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 1

Hyperparathyroidism is found in a surprising number of patients by testing for PTH level.  Primary Hyperparathyroidism remains rare.  We have found 3 cases in 4 years.  However, we are finding...


Fosamax (Alendronate) was the first widely used pill for Osteoporosis in this country.  It is taken weekly on an empty stomach followed by at least 8 ounces of water.  No...

Prolia – A Different Antiresorptive

Prolia (Denosumab) is the newest type of Antiresorptive medication for Osteoporosis.  Like the other Antiresorptive medications, Prolia slows down the cells that eat away bone, but in a different way. ...

Bisphosphonates – Part 2

Bisphosphonates are by far the most common and best known Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis.  Over 90% of persons taking Osteoporosis medication are taking Bisphosphonates.  You can take them as pills...

Bisphosphonates – Part 1

Bisphosphonates are by far the most common and best known Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis.  Over 90% of persons taking Osteoporosis medication are taking Bisphosphonates.   Fosamax, generic Alendronate, Actonel, Boniva, Reclast...

Antiresorptives – Part 2

Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis are primarily used when your bone is still good enough or just needs some additional Calcium to harden and stiffen the bone matrix.  Antiresorptives are a...

Antiresorptives – Part 1

Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis preserve the bone you have.  They slow down the Osteoclast cells that eat away bone.  They slow down “Osteoclasts Gone Wild”.  This markedly slows down bone...

Osteoclasts Gone Wild

Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone.  Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.  Women suddenly lose Estrogen at Menopause.  Men gradually...