Modern Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Modern Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is safe in most women through their 60’s.  20 years ago, when Progesterone was included in the formulation, HRT was associated with heart problems.  Estrogen...

A Delicate Balance

A delicate balance between bone formation and bone resorption is needed for Healthy Bone.  This balance is naturally present until menopause in a woman or “Low T” in a man....

Bisphosphonates Preserve Bone By Slowing Bone Turnover

Bisphosphonates accumulate in your bone.  When OsteoClasts gobble up your bone, bisphosphonates are released into the Osteoclasts and disable or kill the Osteoclasts.  This is great news when the problem...

Match Medications to Your Needs

Are your bones still good enough and just need to be maintained?  Or have you fractured several times and need to rebuild your bones?  Are Steroid Inhalers supressing your Osteoblasts...

Prolia Is Now For Men Too!

The FDA has approved Prolia for men with osteoporosis, who are “at high risk for fracture”.  This affects a sizeable number of men.  High fracture risk includes men with crumbling...

Estrogen is Good for Bones

Human Estrogen is the natural means of preventing bone loss before menopause in women.  The huge drop in estrogen levels during menopause leads to increased bone loss during and after...

Evista – Get 2 for 1

Maybe you can get 2 beneficial effects with only 1 medication!  Some women can with Evista (Raloxifene).  Are you one of those women? If you are at High Risk for...

Breast Cancer & Osteoporosis

Breast Cancer is bad enough without further worries.  Unfortunately, the newest and best anti-cancer treatments can result in a rapid advance of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures.  Fortunately, acting to prevent...

“Drug Holiday”

“Drug Holiday”.  How does that work?  After 5 or more years on Bisphosphonate medication, there is often enough accumulated medication to maintain Bone Mineral Density for 2 or 3 or more years without adding...

Osteoclasts Gone Wild Revisited

Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone.  Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.  Women lose Estrogen suddenly at Menopause.  Men lose Testosterone...