Teaching Osteoporosis Prevention

Nurse Practitioners need to know how to Screen for and Prevent Osteoporosis.  This past week I taught both the lecture and lab sections at Allen College.  The lab covered DXA, VFA,...

Higher Vit D Makes Meds Effective

New evidence shows that you need a vitamin D level much higher than “100%” of federal standards for osteoporosis medications to be fully effective.  That is why I always aim for 40 to...

Reader Question

A reader writes:  “I am 74 female in general good health.  I have taken Fosamax and it’s generic for 13 years and have -4 in spine and advancing ostopenia in...

Osteoclasts Gone Wild Revisited

Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone.  Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.  Women lose Estrogen suddenly at Menopause.  Men lose Testosterone...

“I Have Them In My Medicine Cabinet”

Returning from vacation, I saw a patient today who was losing bone density despite proper medication.  This puzzled me until we dug deeper. She says she has been taking her osteoporosis...

“The Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care”

Yesterday I attended the Wisconsin Osteoporosis Symposium: “The Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care”.  This was an excellent overview of all aspects of diagnosis and treatment presented by by a dozen...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 3

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism is quite common.  I see a new case nearly every week.  Secondary Hyperparathyroidism happens when the parathyroid glands are doing their job. If you do not have enough...

IV Reclast and Zometa are Zolendronate Part 2

Reclast is the version of Zolendronate used for Osteoporosis treatment.  I do not do cancer treatment, so I will not discuss Zometa here other than to say that it is...

IV Reclast and Zometa are Zolendronate Part 1

Reclast and Zometa are both Zolendronate, a bisphosphonate antiresorptive.  Because they are given as a shot into a vein (IV) they have no heartburn, GERD, esophagus or stomach issues.  This...

IV Boniva

IV Boniva is the same medication (Ibandronate) as regular Boniva.  Because it is given as a shot into a vein (IV) it has no heartburn, GERD, esophagus or stomach issues. ...