Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis are primarily used when your bone is still good enough or just needs some additional Calcium to harden and stiffen the bone matrix. Antiresorptives are a...
Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis preserve the bone you have. They slow down the Osteoclast cells that eat away bone. They slow down “Osteoclasts Gone Wild”. This markedly slows down bone...
This past week I went on the road to present information about osteoporosis identification and treatment to other doctors. Fortunately the big storm was finished the day before I headed...
You need Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium from your diet. Without enough vitamin D your body will steal Calcium from your bones, not add Calcium to your bones. ...
Older children, teenagers, and adults need much more than the 400 IU of Vitamin D that is “100%” listed on a multiple vitamin bottle. Panel members at the 2010 National...
If you do not get enough Calcium in your diet, you need a Calcium Supplement. Calcium Carbonate can cause problems. Calcium Citrate is easier for most individuals to tolerate. It...
Perhaps you do not get enough Calcium in your diet. Calcium Carbonate is the most common Calcium Supplement. It is the cheapest. It may upset your stomach, give you a...
Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone. Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men. Women suddenly lose Estrogen at Menopause. Men gradually...
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released new guidelines for screening for Osteoporosis by using DXA to test for Bone Mineral Density. These are more restrictive than current National...
Antiresorptives are the most common and best known Osteoporosis medications. Antiresorptives slow down the Osteoclasts. They target the Osteoclasts and prevent them from eating away (resorbing) the bone. They come...