VFA – An Additional Standard

The vertebrae (bones in the spine) can gradually crumble or suddenly crunch.  The resulting minor ache is often mistaken for arthritis or a pulled muscle.  Gradual crumbles are “morphometric” (detected by x-ray)...

DXA – The Old Standard

DXA has been the standard screening test for Osteoporosis in the USA for two decades.  DXA is easy to obtain and the computer print-out makes it look very simple to...

Men Too

“Men are from Mars”, so March is a good time to think about men, the overlooked minority in osteoporosis.  The American Journal of Men’s Health has published a study of...

Fracture Clinics – Most Successful

What setting is most successful at evaluating Osteoporosis and initiating therapy?  Fracture Clinics are the winner again in a new study published in Osteoporosis International.  That is why I spent 2...

What is Clinical Osteoporosis?

Increased Fracture Risk is Clinical Osteoporosis.  Clinical Osteoporosis is a diagnosis.  It is a chronic medical condition that you have for the rest of your life, like high blood pressure....

No Human Osteosarcoma Linked to Forteo

A reader has asked about bone cancer and Forteo. Osteosarcoma is a rare bone cancer.  Lilly has endowed a 15-year independent study (suggested by the FDA) of all Osteosarcoma patients in...

Gummies For Grammies

Recently I had a patient whose spine had lost 10% of its Bone Mineral Density (BMD) since her last DXA.  She has lost height in the last year.  She has...

Teaching Tomorrow’s Healthcare Providers

Today I taught the Nurse Practitioner class at Allen College.  Their Bone Health – Osteoporosis section included 3 hours of classroom lecture and discussion.  We also spent an hour teaching...

ASBMR 2012

I am attending the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2012 annual meeting.  This is actually a major international meeting with about half of the presentations from Asia and...

Pedestrian in Prague

I was recently in Prague, Berlin, and other points along the Elbe.  Walking throughout the old cities of Europe is a way of life.  Many have pedestrian districts where cars...