The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) met last week. Our society has been dedicated to properly evaluating DXA to determine Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and t-score. Now ISCD is taking...
This week a patient was delighted to know she had no bone worries – based on her t-score of -2.4 in her hips. Unfortunately she was very wrong! “Osteopenia” is just...
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score. Many medical conditions cause bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures. Blood tests can detect medical problems.
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density and t-score. Bone Health is affected by many medical conditions. That is why we check blood tests. Alkaline Phosphatase (alk phos) is...
WRONG!!!! 85% of women who suffer Fragility Fractures have “Osteopenia”. Close to 90% of men. How can this be? “Osteopenia” is NOT a Diagnosis. Unfortunately, most people do not...
Fracture Risk! You need to know Your Personal Fracture Risk. That is a lot more complicated than just your BMD or t-score. FRAX is a huge step forward in calculating...