Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture?  You just started menopause or male low “T”?  You are now on Medicare?  Are you concerned about your bone health?  If not,...

NOF Tip for 16 May – Fracture Prevention for Daily Activities

Proper body mechanics for bending and lifting will prevent unnecessary fractures. NOF has visual aids in learning good body mechanics at If you need help learning proper bending and...

NOF Tip for 8 May – Who gets Osteoporosis

Not everyone gets osteoporosis and unnecessary fractures.  Some risk factors are genetic about which we can do nothing directly.  But we can optimize our nutrition, follow a healthy lifestyle and...

NOF Tip for 7 May – Calcium Rich Foods

BMD (Bone Mineral Density) = Calcium in Bone.  If you want strong bone you must get enough calcium.  Calcium in food is best.  Take control naturally with calcium in foods....

Calcium in Foods 2020

Take Control Naturally.  Get your calcium in foods! Chart of common foods high in Calcium in mg (adapted from the USDA website):

Treating Fibromyalgia with Nutrition

I was asked about treatments for Fibromyalgia.  Pain clinics have injections and pharmaceuticals that often help, but not always enough.  I approach from a different angle. Fibromyalgia is a collection...

Treat to Target #1 – Which Target?

Treat to Target has been standard for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes for decades.  These are chronic diseases, more common as we get older, that we can control...

National Osteoporosis Prevention Month

May is National Osteoporosis Month.  That should be National Osteoporosis Prevention Month.  Or perhaps National Bone Health Optimization Month. Click on the helpful link to National Osteoporosis Foundation to learn...

“Treat to Target” and “Use VFA” in 2017

Clinical Osteoporosis 2017, NOF and ISCD joint meeting had a different emphasis this year.  Fracture Risk, rather than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is now the key metric.  Several speakers emphasizd...