Test for Vitamin D Level

The only way to be certain that you do not have a Vitamin D deficiency is to test for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level.  This is a blood test.  The test...

Vitamin D Deficiency

You need Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium from your diet.  Without enough vitamin D your body will steal Calcium from your bones, not add Calcium to your bones. ...

Daily Vitamin D Needs

Older children, teenagers, and adults need much more than the 400 IU of  Vitamin D that is “100%” listed on a multiple vitamin bottle.  Panel members at the 2010 National...

Optimal Levels for Vitamin D

In 2010 the “Optimal” level most often quoted at National Osteoporosis Foundation and at American Society for Bone Mineral Research was 32 to 100ng/ml.  This is markedly different from the...

The Sunshine Myth

Vitamin D has been called the Sunshine Vitamin.  Most people can make some vitamin D if they get enough mid-day sunshine, but there are problems.  The atmosphere blocks the UV...

Vitamin D is the big news in the last few years

Vitamin D is much more important than we thought even 3 years ago.  We now know that our Daily Vitamin D Needs are much higher than official government Minimum Daily...