Care About Dad on Father’s Day

Fathers Day is a time to remember your Dad.  Those young enough and fortunate enough to have a living Dad today should take time to connect and honor him, even...

Improve Bone First – Preserve Bone Second

National Bone Health treatment goals are changing for those patients with high fracture risk.  Simply preserving bones already at a too high fracture risk never made much sense to this...

Treating Fibromyalgia with Nutrition

I was asked about treatments for Fibromyalgia.  Pain clinics have injections and pharmaceuticals that often help, but not always enough.  I approach from a different angle. Fibromyalgia is a collection...

Treat to Target # 2 – Fragility Fracture

Treat to Target means aiming for NO NEW FRACTURES.  As discussed last time, the original target was to maintain Bone Mineral Density (BMD) at the level first tested.  25 years...

Spring! Sunshine! Vitamin D?

Spring!  The Sun is back for more than 12 hours daily!  The sun crossed the equator at 0529 CDT.  Vitamin D?  Not so fast.  This is Iowa and we are...

Vitamin D Level 2015 – Aim for 40 to 80 ng/ml

Determining the correct 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level is still a work in progress.  In the 8 years I have been attending meetings, we have made considerable progress.  NOF 2007 was...

“But Protein Makes Me Fat”

Protein is necessary for strong bone and muscle.  Two patients complained that they were gaining weight when they added enough Protein for good bone health to their diets. That was...

Any Fracture => Bone Health Evaluation

Any fracture, especially after age 50, in a woman or a man, requires a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  This was preached from the podium at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) meeting last...