Androgen Deprivation Therapy – ADT

Androgen Deprivation Therapy is used to treat Prostate Cancer.  ADT is usually effective against Prostate Cancer, adding years to a man’s life.  However, ADT can cause Osteoporosis and Fractures, UNLESS...

“Bisphosphonate Holiday” 2014

“You are entering a Data-Free Zone”   That was unfortunately the messasge at the joint meeting of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) last month. ...

Different Doses – Different Names

We have talked about Reclast and Prolia, two meds for osteoporosis.  We have not talked about Zometa and Xgeva, two meds for prevention and treatment of cancer spreading to bone...

Breast Cancer & Osteoporosis

Breast Cancer is bad enough without further worries.  Unfortunately, the newest and best anti-cancer treatments can result in a rapid advance of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures.  Fortunately, acting to prevent...

Higher Vit D Makes Meds Effective

New evidence shows that you need a vitamin D level much higher than “100%” of federal standards for osteoporosis medications to be fully effective.  That is why I always aim for 40 to...

IV Reclast and Zometa are Zolendronate Part 2

Reclast is the version of Zolendronate used for Osteoporosis treatment.  I do not do cancer treatment, so I will not discuss Zometa here other than to say that it is...

IV Reclast and Zometa are Zolendronate Part 1

Reclast and Zometa are both Zolendronate, a bisphosphonate antiresorptive.  Because they are given as a shot into a vein (IV) they have no heartburn, GERD, esophagus or stomach issues.  This...

IV Bisphosphonates

The IV Bisphosphonates are IV Boniva, Reclast and Zometa.  Reclast and Zometa are actually the same drug in different doses for different purposes.  Reclast is the one used for Osteoporosis. ...