Adding VFA to DXA

January 9, 2017 Leave your thoughts

I have let the regular posts to the blog lapse for quite some time, while working on other issues.

I have been reviewing my first-time Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) patients.  My latest research project included 1259 patients over 3 1/2 years.  I analyzed the patients by FRAX, height loss, age, and fragility fractures as well.  Nothing duplicated the findings by VFA.

I found that DXA alone missed many patients who have Clinical Osteoporosis if VFA (lateral spine) is taken into account.  I have presented this at ISCD and ASBMR.  Putting it into proper format to submit for publication took much more time than I anticipated.

This project is finished until I start the next sub-analysis.

I hope to get back to adding to the blog regularly.

Jay Ginther, MD

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