Calcium Citrate

If you do not get enough Calcium in your diet, you need a Calcium Supplement.  Calcium Carbonate can cause problems.  Calcium Citrate is easier for most individuals to tolerate.  It...

Calcium Carbonate

Perhaps you do not get enough Calcium in your diet.  Calcium Carbonate is the most common Calcium Supplement.  It is the cheapest. It may upset your stomach, give you a...

Osteoclasts Gone Wild

Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away bone.  Osteoclasts are normally kept under control by Estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.  Women suddenly lose Estrogen at Menopause.  Men gradually...

Medications for Osteoporosis – Part 2

Antiresorptives are the most common and best known Osteoporosis medications.  Antiresorptives slow down the Osteoclasts.  They target the Osteoclasts and prevent them from eating away (resorbing) the bone.  They come...

Medications for Osteoporosis Part 1

If Calcium and Vitamin D and Multiple Vitamins are not enough to treat your Osteoporosis, you will need to take a specific Osteoporosis Medication.  It is very important to take...

Bone Mineral Density

Bone Mineral Density is the amount of calcium and similar minerals in each square cm of bone.  This is a 2 dimensional picture.  The bone is actually 3 dimensional.  This...

Vertebral Fracture Assessment or VFA

Vertebral Fracture Assessment or VFA is based on viewing the spine from the side.  This side view compliments DXA and BMD by detecting Vertebral Compression Fractures, which are an indication...

DXA – the Bone Mineral Density Scan

Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry or DXA measures Bone Mineral Density or BMD.  Tests on DXA machines are commonly called bone density scans.  These machines became available over 20 years ago.  The...

Calcium Supplements

Your Total daily intake of Calcium should be 1200 to 1500 mg.  That is 4 to 5 – 8 oz glasses of milk every day.  Or you can have other...

Optimal Levels for Vitamin D

In 2010 the “Optimal” level most often quoted at National Osteoporosis Foundation and at American Society for Bone Mineral Research was 32 to 100ng/ml.  This is markedly different from the...