Calcium in your Diet

The National Osteoporosis Foundation has set the standard total for Calcium at 1200 to 1500 mg daily. That is 4 to 5 – 8 oz glasses of milk every day. ...

Why am I interested in Osteoporosis?

I became interested in preventing osteoporosis because weak bones break easily.  As an orthopedic surgeon I tried to put them back together.  A Styrofoam coffee cup is stronger than some...

What is Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the cause of Fragility Fracture in over half of all women and a quarter of all men during their lifetimes.  The bad news is that serious Fragility Fractures...

The Sunshine Myth

Vitamin D has been called the Sunshine Vitamin.  Most people can make some vitamin D if they get enough mid-day sunshine, but there are problems.  The atmosphere blocks the UV...

Calcium: Key to Bone Health

Calcium is a Key Ingredient for Bone Health.  If you do not have Calcium in your diet, or take Calcium supplements, you CANNOT have strong bones.  Calcium is the mineral...

Vitamin D is the big news in the last few years

Vitamin D is much more important than we thought even 3 years ago.  We now know that our Daily Vitamin D Needs are much higher than official government Minimum Daily...