Read a Good Book About Bone Health

April 18, 2014 Leave your thoughts

If you want to learn a lot about bone health, there is a book for you: “The Complete Book of Bone Health”.

Diane L Schneider, MD is a former associate professor specializing in bone health and osteoporosis prevention.  She is unusual among doctors.  She addresses all aspects of bone health in language that regular people can understand.

I discussed our similar efforts with Dr Schneider at a recent conference we both attended.  My blogs are brief snippets.  She has written a complete summary of what you need to know to attain optimal bone health.  She addresses all ages of women, and men too.

The book is an easy read.  Putting all that solid scientific information to work is not easy.  Great bone health is the result of a healthy lifestyle.  The road to great bone health is a lot harder than just taking a pill.

You can Take Control of your future.  You can Prevent Osteoporosis and Fractures.  You can achieve great bone health.  But you have to Do It.  “The Complete Book of Bone Health” can be your guidebook.

Jay Ginther, MD

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