National Osteoporosis Foundation 2015 – Major Changes at ISO15

May 25, 2015 Leave your thoughts

The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) saw major changes at last week’s annual meeting, ISO15.  I will present them in detail over the next few blogs.

First, the number of Orthopedic Surgeons has skyrocketed into the most numerous specialty attending the meeting.  Orthopods are becoming more involved.  This has to be good for preventing second and third fractures.

The major emphasis of the NOF meeting was on Fractures; what they do to their victims, and how we can prevent the suffering they cause.

NOF has joined IOF and NBHA in promoting Fracture Liaison Services (FLS).  FLS can be key in identifying persons with fractures, with a high risk of future fractures, and the opportunity to prevent further fractures.

The role of nutrition in building and preserving good bone health received increased attention.

We discussed the places of the various available medications in increasing bone strength and preventing fractures.  Changes are coming as we get more options with new and different actions.

NP Katie and I learned a lot.  Preventing fractures is becoming easier.

You can take control of your future and prevent fractures.

Jay Ginther, MD

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