Take Control Naturally – Vitamin D

June 30, 2011 Leave your thoughts

You want to take control of your own bone health destiny to avoid osteoporosis.  You want to do it “naturally” without modern pharmaceuticals.  That takes dedication and persistence on your part.

We have already covered Calcium which is relatively easy.  Today we tackle Vitamin D which is really hard.

Vitamin D in Foods is hard to come by in our diet.  Traditionally it was Cod Liver Oil.  That was vile tasting stuff.  Most Fish Oil today has Omega-3 but not Vitamin D.  Check the label carefully.  Most people need about 2000 units of D3 (Cholecalciferol) daily.

A few fish are about the only foods with much Vitamin D.  24 ounces of canned Tuna in oil or 12 ounces of canned Pink Salmon daily is an awful lot of canned fish.

Dry-cooked Sockeye Salmon is the best for Vitamin D content and even that requires 7-8 ounce daily.  I love fresh cooked salmon, but that much every day would get old.

The other way is Sunshine.  But this is possible only at mid-day during the summer in Iowa.  And you must specicifically put yourself at risk for Skin Cancer to get enough vitamin D.  That is not real smart!

For most of us the best option is Vitamin D3 in capsules or Fish Oil which specifies enough D3 or Cholecalciferol on the label.

Jay Ginther, MD

June 2011

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