May is National Osteoporosis Month. That should be National Osteoporosis Prevention Month. Or perhaps National Bone Health Optimization Month. Click on the helpful link to National Osteoporosis Foundation to learn...
“I want to treat my bone health entirely naturally – without any “artificial” medications.” That might be possible if you are among the less than half of all women not destined...
So how do you find out what aspects of your bone health are pretty good already, what will be easy to fix, and what will take some real work? Start...
Smoking is a major risk factor for fractures. Smoking suppresses the osteoblasts (the cells that make new bone). The osteoclasts (cells that eat away bone) then can easily outdo the...
The purpose of good bone health is to prevent fractures. Most fractures happen as a result of a fall. If you do not fall, you decrease your fracture risk. How...
Use them or lose them. Bones grow – or shrink – to meet their daily needs. You must be on your feet standing and walking every day if you want...
True in the 1960’s – even more true today. We expect to live into our 80’ and 90’s. We expect to enjoy those extra years. We can, with a little...
Determining the correct 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level is still a work in progress. In the 8 years I have been attending meetings, we have made considerable progress. NOF 2007 was...
Protein is necessary for strong bone and muscle. Two patients complained that they were gaining weight when they added enough Protein for good bone health to their diets. That was...
Any fracture, especially after age 50, in a woman or a man, requires a Complete Bone Health Evaluation. This was preached from the podium at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) meeting last...