If You Don’t Take Care of Your Body, Where Are You Going To Live? – Part 6 – Balance

February 28, 2017 Leave your thoughts

The purpose of good bone health is to prevent fractures.  Most fractures happen as a result of a fall.  If you do not fall, you decrease your fracture risk.  How do you prevent falls?

Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles.  Strong muscles are part of the solution.  But you also need good balance.  Good balance requires exercises to strengthen the muscles required for balance.

Balance exercises have been used for centuries to keep people limber and free from falling, and thereby, free from fractures.  They are often taught in group sessions, but can be performed alone on any flat surface.

Tai Chi and Yoga are the best known ancient balance exercises.  Daily, or at least 3 times weekly, sessions of 20-30 minutes will gradually improve your balance and prevent falls.

Less interesting, but easier to do anywhere, is simply walking on your toes for several minutes.  More challenging is walking on your heels, like a penguin.  If you can do that for 2 minutes straight, you have great muscles, strong ankles, and are unlikely to stumble, even on uneven ground.

Take Control Naturally by working on your Balance.  Remember that proper nutrition is necessary for strong muscles and bones.

Jay Ginther, MD

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