Bone Mineral Density is Calcium in Bone

Why do some patients, who are already on good osteoporosis preventing or treating medications, still have a falling Bone Mineral Density?  Are the medications not working?  Not as well as...

Spring – The Most Dangerous Season

Spring is here.  The birds are singing.  Soon flowers will be blooming.  All the world is coming to life.  And more hips will be breaking. 32% of all hip fractures...

Start with Dietary Calcium

Once again we are warned of the dangers of calcium supplements.  Once again those studies cited prescribed supplements without regard to total calcium intake, including diet.  What matters is total...

Gummies For Grammies

Recently I had a patient whose spine had lost 10% of its Bone Mineral Density (BMD) since her last DXA.  She has lost height in the last year.  She has...