The American Society for Bone & Mineral Research 35th Annual Meeting has just concluded. Of the roughly 2000 attendees, nearly half were form other countries. Most are PhD researchers dealing...
A Hip Fracture over age 70 is Very Bad. About 20% of women and over 30% of men die from their hip fracture. Some consider these to be the lucky ones....
This week a patient was delighted to know she had no bone worries – based on her t-score of -2.4 in her hips. Unfortunately she was very wrong! “Osteopenia” is just...
PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone. This is not Thyroid. The Parathyroid glands live next to the thyroid gland. They are like 4 spots on the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland’s wings. But their...
A patient was very disappointed recently, that his Bone Mineral Density (BMD) had NOT IMPROVED, despite anabolic medication for his Osteoporosis. The reason for failure became obvious as soon as...
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score. Many medical conditions cause osteoporosis and fractures. Blood tests can detect those medical problems. This is the post on...
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score. Many medical conditions cause bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures. Blood tests can detect medical problems.
Some of my patients have an icky tummy. They are thin, anemic, and have osteoporosis. They have been evaluated for Lactose Intolerance, Crohn’s, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Celiac...
CMP is “Complete Metabolic Profile”. The tests in a CMP can be key to bone health. We’ll start with Serum Calcium (calcium in the blood). Bones store Calcium for...
CBC is Complete Blood Count. That means red cells, white cells, and platelets. A normal CBC eliminates diseases of the bone marrow such as leukemia or myeloma, both of which...