Chronic Pain

This week I spoke to doctors and nurses who run Pain Clinics.  The obvious connection is Vertebral Fractures requiring Kyphoplasty or Vertebroplasty.  If you only do the procedure, you have...

No Human Osteosarcoma Linked to Forteo

A reader has asked about bone cancer and Forteo. Osteosarcoma is a rare bone cancer.  Lilly has endowed a 15-year independent study (suggested by the FDA) of all Osteosarcoma patients in...

Bone Not “Good Enough” = Anabolic Forteo

Bone that has Fractured = Bone NOT Good Enough = Bone which requires the Anabolic, Forteo.  Any fracture, especially vertebral compression fracture, can mean that the bone is NOT Good...

Bone “Good Enough” for an Antiresorptive?

How do you know when an Antiresorptive medication is best?  First, the situation needs to be beyond the capability to Take Control Naturally with Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D3 alone....

Fracture? Bone Health Evaluation!

I have been on the road with presentations in South Dakota and Southern Illinois recently.  SD is state # 10 for me.  I teach health care providers about the role...

Interesting Medication Combinations from ASBMR

Studies of combinations of osteoporosis medications expanded at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012.  Previous meetings featured alternating the anabolic, Teriparatide (Forteo) with a Bisphosphonate Antiresorptive, usually...

Pictures Tell How Osteoporosis Medications Work

Dr David Dempster presented spectacular pictures to the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).  They show clearly the different actions of the anabolic, Teriparatide...

Stress Fracture = Osteoporosis

A fragility fracture is a fracture which happens from minor trauma.  A stress fracture happens from repeated normal daily activities, like walking or going up or down stairs.  This is...

Bone Mineral Density = Calcium in Bone

I recently saw a patient who has not improved her Bone Mineral Density despite 2 years of Forteo followed by 3 years of Reclast.  The good news is that she stopped...

Osteoporosis Support Group

Attendance was enthusiastic.  We watched Our Videos (top right) while waiting for all to arrive.  Discussion was spirited.