Fracture? Bone Health Evaluation!

November 15, 2012 Leave your thoughts

I have been on the road with presentations in South Dakota and Southern Illinois recently.  SD is state # 10 for me.  I teach health care providers about the role for the Anabolic, Teriparatide (Forteo), in the treatment of specific patients.  However, I also present a very important message about ALL patients.

A fracture, ANY FRACTURE, means that the patient deserves a Bone Health Evaluation.  A fall from a standing height or other minor trauma is obviously a possible Fragility Fracture.  But even a fracture during sports deserves at least a check of Calcium in diet and supplements, and a blood test for Vitamin D level.

We have 2 million fragility fractures a year in the USA every year.  Many of these are second or third fractures.  These could have been prevented by evaluating bone health after the first fracture, and correcting identified problems.  “2 million 2 many” is the motto of the Bone Health Alliance initiative for fracture prevention.

Often a person can Take Control Naturally with enough Calcium in diet and Vitamin D3 if the first fracture results in a bone health evaluation.  Waiting for a second or third fracture increases the chance that osteoporosis has become severe enough to require medication as well.  If you do need Antiresorptive or Anabolic medication, take it to prevent further fractures.

Did you have a fracture?  Get a bone health evaluation and fix any problems before they get worse.  Otherwise, they will, and you will fracture again.  Ouch!

Jay Ginther, MD

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