Fragility Fractures are fractures caused by osteoporosis. Fragility Fractures cost an enormous amount of money. They also cause pain, suffering, disability, nursing home stays, and death. The estimated total cost of...
Genistein is the main active ingredient in the “Medical Food” Fosteum. A “medical food” is a “natural supplement” of nutrients not commonly found in regular food, which is designed to...
What determines “osteoporosis”? Is it DXA and BMD? Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine? What is the importance of Kyphosis? When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture? These are all...
Here at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, the most common question is: “Which Osteoporosis Medication should I use after a fracture?” We need to know how each...
Daily 20 to 30 minutes of standing/walking type exercise helps to prevent fractures. Why? There are many benefits.
A reader asked “Why do I keep breaking?” If you do have more than one Fragility Fracture, you certainly need to find out why! Every Fracture that you have increases...
New Year’s Resolutions. The routine ones are getting tired. So what can I do that’s different? What do I need? I am worried about the economy, jobs, Europe, Iran, gas...
You want to avoid fractures from osteoporosis naturally, without medications. That requires dedication and daily effort. One aspect of Fracture Prevention not only can be done without medication, it cannot...
Yesterday I attended the Wisconsin Osteoporosis Symposium: “The Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care”. This was an excellent overview of all aspects of diagnosis and treatment presented by by a dozen...
The National Osteoporosis Foundation reaffirmed it’s core purpose – Fracture Prevention – at its International Symposium last week. It’s back to the basics. Fracture Prevention requires proper diet and lifestyle. ...